On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Strada Sitarului: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Strada Sitarului Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Shopping Computers shop - 318mDATINO Computers - DATINO srl Strada Zorilor, 15 500265 Brașov Email: office@datino.ro IT ServiceToner RefillWebsitesRecuperare date / Data recovery Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-16:30 Mobile Phones - 496mVodafone Calea București, 78 A 500281 Brașov Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-19:00;Sa 09:00-15:00 Supermarket - 271mRapid Privighetorii Strada Privighetorii, 2 Brașov Convenience shop - 117mMega Image Shop and Go Strada Vulturului, 12 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:00-20:00; Sa 09:00-18:00; Su 09:00-14:00 Convenience shop - 190mSuper Mercato Strada Zorilor, 3 Convenience shop - 233mMega Image Shop and Go Strada Zorilor, 1 Opening hours: 24/7 Convenience shop - 206mBăcănia Ana Strada Zorilor, 3 Convenience shop - 197mNon-stop Cafe Strada Zorilor, 3 Convenience shop - 211mLa Doi Pași Strada Zorilor, 8 Convenience shop - 183mLa Doi Pași Strada Zorilor, 5 Convenience shop - 300mAmigos Strada Ciprian Porumbescu, 15 Optician - 178mCalmedo Strada Zorilor, 11 Phone: 40 268-320-461 pet shop - 399mSalon Happy Dog Strada Alexandru cel Bun, 28 Bakery - 166mVikpan Strada Zorilor Bakery - 181mCake Shop Strada Zorilor, 10 Bakery - 192mMoara Veche Strada Zorilor, 8 Phone: 0756 911 768 Email: moaraveche.brasov@gmail.com Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:30-20:00; Sa 08:30-15:00 Bakery - 276mDencopan Strada Livada Vulturului Butchery - 172mMarisan Strada Zorilor, 10 Florist - 175mFlorărie Strada Zorilor, 5 Florist - 271mFlorarie Strada Zorilor, 16 beauty shop - 185mClementina Strada Zorilor, 10 beauty shop - 264mNo Limit Strada Sitarului, 13 500260 Brașov Phone: +40771516226 Email: cipbarascu@yahoo.com Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:00-20:00; Sa 08:00-14:00 beauty shop - 215mBianca's lashes Strada Sitarului, 31 beauty shop - 272mAlgoria Salon Strada Zorilor, 16 fabric shop - 151mBrod Art Strada Zorilor, 5 pastry shop - 165mPatiseria Matei Strada Zorilor, 5 copyshop - 227mLivosim Impex Strada Zorilor, 18 tailor - 213mCroitoria Mariana Strada Zorilor, 13 coffee shop - 219mSimo Strada Vulturului, 16A Opening hours: Mo-Su 06:00-23:00 DIY shop - 252mHOD CHIMEX Strada Zorilor, 6 erotic shop - 587mEmanuelle Calea București paint shop - 428mCliam Smart Decor Strada Zorilor Phone: 0730 550 989 Email: am_smart@yahoo.com Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00 houseware - 277mOfertis Strada Zorilor, 6 Email: office@ofertis-shop.ro Grocery - 444mAprozar Strada Carpaților, 57Other give_box - 528m - Strada Pârâului office-notary - 497mBirou Notarial Burlan Calea București, 58 office-estate_agent - 490mEuro Dome Calea București, 80 Phone: 0722224720 Email: office@euro-dome.ro office-company - 353mConsultia Protecția Muncii Strada Pârâului office-advertising_agency - 335mCreativa Advertisin Strada Pârâului Vending Machine - 177m - Strada Zorilor, 5 Vending Machine - 266m - Strada Zorilor, 16 Vending Machine - 266m - Strada Zorilor, 6 educational institution offices - 158mCRUP SRL Phone: +40 755 622 657 parcel_locker - 125m - - FanBox Strada Sitarului parcel_locker - 127m - - Sameday Strada Vulturului, 12 Opening hours: 24/7 parcel_locker - 399m - - Sameday Strada Zorilor, 4 Opening hours: 24/7 Veterinary - 508mVeterinaria Strada Carpaților, 40 sport-fitness;martial_arts - 195mKorona Sports Center Strada Sitarului, 25 Brașov shop-pet_grooming - 361mCanide Strada Ciprian Porumbescu, 44 Phone: 40 751 929287 Email: contact@canide.ro office-insurance - 345mKron Asig Strada Zorilor, 4 Phone: 0729 975 060 Email: office@kronasig.ro Toilets - 391m - - public access - no fee Strada Zorilor Opening hours: 24/7 Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with
Strada Sitarului